St. Valentine’s Day, a religious and commercial juggernaut brought to you by Geoffrey Chaucer and greeting card companies everywhere. These times, it’s a day to send notes and gifts to those you love and shame those who don’t have anyone. By the way, did you know that total expenditures for V-day in the US totaled $18.2 billion in 2017? Ah money love, isn’t it romantic? Nothing says it quite like being expected to buy something nice/make a grand romantic gesture/ tell the person or people (hey it’s 2019, right) how much you love and care about them. I mean, it’s not like you can do that just any ol’ time; what are we, horny teenagers?
Alas, we will try to send a Valentine to someone we love… here goes…
Urban Family, we love your beers. They lift our hearts high and make our stomachs sing. From the dankest haze bombs to the tartest sours, we are in amour with your electric elixirs. Won’t you spend the Loveliest Day of the Year™ with us, wondering us with your wares? What we really admire though? Well, it would be your Sour Heart… series of beers, those tangy tongue tantalizers that drive us wild. Since it is Seattle, a major progressive town, do you mind if we invite some friends? No? Perfect!
Join us on February 14th for our Valentine’s Evening with Urban Family Brewing. We’ll have Briar Heart, Tropic Heart, and Winter Heart all available on draft. We might even have an IPA or two on just to round things out. The love-in will begin at 6 pm.