Loam – a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus, aka epic trail conditions found here in the PNW
Temple – a building or place devoted to worship
We all worship something to some degree or another! For some of us it’s nature, but even more specifically for mountain bikers, it’s the dirt and the woods that surround them while they ride. Our general manager Nat is one of those. He’ll readily admit that what’s kept him going over the years, kept him sane (reasonably!), is mountain biking and beers. With so much of his time devoted to Brouwers though, he isn’t able to get out there to “throw dirt” and help build trails. So, instead he inspired Loam Temple!
Loam Temple is a way to say thank you! It brings two passions together to honor the folks that regularly build and maintain mountain bike trails here in Washington (Evergreen and WMBC), as well as make awesome beer (Structures Brewing). Where these two communities intersect is where Nat lives and breathes, and he’s not alone there. So, drink and celebrate, you’re in fantastic company!
Interested in getting involved? This year we have a few ways to make that happen.
Thursday, April 7th – Loam Temple cans go on sale at Bottleworks, Brouwer’s Café and Structures Brewing. We will be closed for a private event on this day so no draft option. $2 from every 4-pack sold will be donated to either Evergreen (Seattle Sales) or WMBC (Structures Sales)
Starting Friday, April 8th and running through the following weekend, Loam Temple will be on draft at Brouwer’s Café and Bottleworks, and a portion the keg sales will be donated to Evergreen.
Saturday, April 9th– Dig day in Bellingham- followed by a party at Structures Brewing with a DJ and food truck.
Thursday, April 14th – An Evening with Evergreen at Brouwer’s Café. Stop in talk with the Evergreen folks about upcoming projects, renew your membership, raise a pint or 3, we will continue donating sales from the draft pours of Loam Temple to Evergreen.
Saturday, April 16th – A dig day with Evergreen sponsored by Brouwer’s Café in the I 90 corridor, come work on trails, drink Loam Temple and hang out.