U-G-L-Y your sweater ain’t got no alibi, it’s ugly. Well, at least you hope so. It’s the most magical time of year – where you dust off the vintage, grandma-knit hand-me-down or scour the internet for the perfect top that will make people shake their heads in disgust. It’s Ugly Sweater time! Now in its 8th year!
As is tradition, the lovely people of Firestone Walker are helping us put on one of our favorite events of the year. We’ll have fun holiday games, some crafting, an “Ugliest Sweater” contest, and a whole bunch of goodies from the cellar on draft. There might even be a few presents to give out to the people donning their finest yule-time apparel. We’re usually one of the first ugly sweater events of the year, so you can come out and use the night to beta-test that new purchase while sipping on some not-so-ugly brews.
We’ll kick off the evening around 6 pm, with the sweater contest happening around 9 pm. Please join us once again for this really fun evening of ugly!